SOPA Announces 2019 Awards for Editorial Excellence Finalists!
(Below listings in alphabetical order of publication’s title)
Live tweeting results will be announced @sopasia #Sopawards2019 on Awards night
- Excellence in Reporting on Women’s Issues (卓越女性議題報道獎)
Group A
Agence France-Presse, The actress, the athlete and the attorney South Korea’s #MeToo movement finds its voice (Honorable Mention)
Bloomberg, India’s Oppressed Women Find a Voice (Award for Excellence)
Reuters, From Terror to Triumph: A young Rohingya woman’s journey to the impossible
Group B
Mediacorp Pte Ltd, CNA Digital, South Korea’s epidemic of harassment
Sixth Tone, How Protection Orders Leave Domestic Abuse Victims Vulnerable (Honorable Mention)
The Star, The Hidden Cut (Award for Excellence)
Group C
端傳媒, 無法迴避的浪潮──中國#metoo調查全紀錄 An Inevitable Wave – Full Report on China’s #MeToo Movement (Honorable Mention)
報導者, 跨國追蹤:HPV疫苗政策下的黑布 Cross-border Investigation on the Hidden Facts behind the HPV Vaccination Policy (Award for Excellence)
報導者, 沒有Me,何來#MeToo——菲律賓消失的性侵受害者 When There’s No Me, There’s No #MeToo: the Silent Victims of Sexual Assault in the Philippines
- Excellence in Journalistic Innovation (卓越新聞報道創新獎)
Group A
Bloomberg, Bloomberg on WhatsApp
Reuters, Mining data from the sky (Award for Excellence)
The Wall Street Journal, China: Emergence of a Trade Leviathan (Honorable Mention)
Group B
R.AGE, Refugees No More (Award for Excellence)
This Week In Asia, Narcos: the hidden drug highways linking Asia and Latin America
Group C
天下雜誌, 2018九合一選舉互動地圖 (Award for Excellence)
澎湃新闻网, 汶川记忆地图:十年前地震时你在哪里?(Honorable Mention)
联合早报, 不一样的不平等
- Excellence in Video Reporting (卓越視頻報道獎)
Group A
The New York Times, How China Creates Cancer Refugees (Award for Excellence)
The New York Times, Inside China’s Predatory Health Care System (Honorable Mention)
VICE News Tonight on HBO, China’s “Social Credit System”
Group B
Coconuts Media, Hijab Riders (Honorable Mention)
Sixth Tone, The Farmers Who Carve Frozen Rivers for the Harbin Ice Festival
South China Morning Post, A family portrait of the Ice Boy (Award for Excellence)
Group C
现在, Pokémon 阿公 GO
澎湃新闻网, 世界艾滋病日|我在红丝带学校做厨师 (Honorable Mention)
報導者, 我們仨 (Award for Excellence)
- Excellence in Human Rights Reporting (卓越人權報道獎)
Group A
Reuters, Shattered Lives (Award for Excellence)
The New York Times, Human Rights in Afghanistan
The Wall Street Journal, In Cold Blood (Honorable Mention)
Group B
Frontier Myanmar, Conflict, conscription and a cover-up (Honorable Mention)
Mediacorp Pte Ltd, CNA Digital, Myanmar’s child workers
Rappler, Murder in Manila (Award for Excellence)
Group C
蘋果日報, DQ風暴 中共政治清算一整代香港人 (Award for Excellence)
Business Weekly, 數位黑幫
端傳媒, 未完的抗爭:深圳佳士工人維權事件始末 (Honorable Mention)
- Excellence in Feature Writing (卓越專題特寫獎)
Group A
Bloomberg, A Chinese Casino Has Conquered a Piece of America (Award for Excellence)
Bloomberg, The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code (Honorable Mention)
Reuters, Dangerous News: How two young reporters shook Myanmar
Group B
Fountain Ink, The unknown Indian (Award for Excellence)
GMA News Online, Tiempo Muerto: Hope Springs in the Season of Death
Sixth Tone, Melting Away (Honorable Mention)
Group C
彭博商業周刊/中文版, 161呎的日與夜 (Honorable Mention)
多維TW, 人事大调查:大陆31省市办主任面面观
鏡週刊, 新二代的難題 (Award for Excellence)
- Excellence in Magazine Design (卓越雜誌設計獎)
Group A(cancelled due to not receiving more than 5 entries)
Group B
Nikkei Asian Review, Imagining a unified KOREA (Honorable Mention)
Prestige, Prestige Hong Kong
Tasting Kitchen, TK35 A Land Between b (Award for Excellence)
Group C
彭博商業周刊/中文版, 161呎的日與夜 (Award for Excellence)
天下雜誌 , 美麗台灣行
《生活》月刊, 赤子无忧 (Honorable Mention)
- Excellence in Arts & Culture Reporting (卓越藝術及文化報道獎)
Group A
Financial Times, The Bard in Beijing: how Shakespeare is subverting China (Honorable Mention)
Reuters, Japan’s disappearing delicacies
VICE Asia, How Thai Artists are Challenging the Junta (Award for Excellence)
Group B
Nikkei Asian Review, Funerals for the 21st century Asia’s new ways to say goodbye
Post Magazine, China’s online publishing industry (Award for Excellence)
Sixth Tone, The Last Guardians of China’s Women-Only Script (Honorable Mention)
Group C
蘋果日報, 【全裸寫真】台灣70歲夫婦拍全裸作品以身體談情「很久沒有這樣擁抱了」
香港01有限公司, 文革攝影師李振盛:歷史裏獨裁者都沒有好下場 (Award for Excellence)
纽约时报中文网, 《“吃瓜时代的你我他》(Honorable Mention)
- Excellence in Explanatory Reporting (卓越解釋性報道獎)
Group A
Reuters, Fading Icon (Award for Excellence)
Reuters, Tracking China’s Muslim Gulag (Honorable Mention)
The New York Times, China Rules
Group B
Nikkei Asian Review, A new view of labor in Japan (Award for Excellence)
Sixth Tone, Dealing With Death (Honorable Mention)
Sixth Tone, Melting Away
Group C
蘋果日報, 全球首對基因編輯女嬰誕生 惹爭議 (Award for Excellence)
Business Today, 脆弱的循環 雷曼兄弟破產十年人們未學到教訓
澎湃新闻网, 《禁区》:图解H5|跨越板门店:看看金正恩和文在寅在哪会谈 (Honorable Mention)
- Excellence in Business Reporting (卓越經濟報道獎)
Group A
Bloomberg, Amazon Wants India to Shop Online, and It’s Battling Walmart for Supremacy (Award for Excellence)
Financial Times, The downfall of Carlos Ghosn (Honorable Mention)
The Wall Street Journal, Technology Cracks
Group B
Euromoney, The Cold, Hard Facts of Bitcoin Mining
Nikkei Asian Review, Ambitions to dominate new industries in China 2025 (Award for Excellence)
Sixth Tone, The Shopping App That Unveiled China’s Social Divisions (Honorable Mention)
Group C
Business Weekly, 3000台灣傭兵在中國 紅色半導體大追蹤
Business Weekly, 台商撤逃中國 倒數90天 (Honorable Mention)
天下雜誌, 中美貿易戰升級為新冷戰台商雙邊攻略 (Award for Excellence)
- Excellence in Information Graphics (卓越數據圖像獎)
Group A
Reuters, Rohingya refugees at risk (Award for Excellence)
Reuters, The Sanchi oil spill (Honorable Mention)
The Wall Street Journal, China: Emergence of a Trade Leviathan
Group B
India Today, Is The Taj Doomed (Honorable Mention)
South China Morning Post, The China Ship
South China Morning Post, The Forbidden City (Award for Excellence)
Group C
天下雜誌, 2018九合一選舉互動地圖 (Award for Excellence)
端傳媒, 數據動畫帶你看,老死在香港是種什麼體驗 (Honorable Mention)
澎湃新闻网, 169粒进球里的世界杯图谱
- Excellence in Reporting Breaking News (卓越突發新聞獎)
Group A
BBC News Online, The rescue of the Thai cave boys (Honorable Mention)
Financial Times, Emperor for life China’s president abolishes limits on himself
Reuters, Malaysia topples Najib (Award for Excellence)
Group B
Malaysiakini, Malaysiakini’s coverage of the 14th Malaysian general election
(Award for Excellence)
South China Morning Post, Typhoon Mangkhut: as it happened (Honorable Mention)
South China Morning Post, US vs China tech giants
Group C
蘋果日報, 非洲豬瘟疫情逼近香港 (Award for Excellence)
蘋果日報, 山竹襲港系列:我城滿目瘡痍 政府救災不力 (Honorable Mention)
報導者, 【普悠瑪18死事故】2通簡訊示警,關鍵53分鐘危機處理待調查
- Excellence in Opinion Writing (卓越評論獎)
Group A
Bloomberg, China Should Remember Its Friends (Award for Excellence)
The New York Times, In India, Journalists Face Slut-Shaming and Rape Threats
The Wall Street Journal, Calling China’s Slowdown (Honorable Mention)
Group B
Frontier Myanmar, Time for a new approach on Rakhine State (Honorable Mention)
Nikkei Asian Review, Crazy rich Asia risks running into trouble
The Courier Mail, Igniting Conversations About Violence Against Women (Award for Excellence)
Group C
FT中文网, 低头致意,天地无边
報導者, 2018九合一選舉結果觀察 (Award for Excellence)
澎湃新闻网, 长春疫苗事件系列评论 (Honorable Mention)
- Excellence in Reporting on the Environment (卓越環境報道獎)
Group A
Financial Times, Why the world’s recycling system stopped working (Award for Excellence)
Reuters, Asia’s undersea crisis (Honorable Mention)
Reuters, China’s waste ban Tracking the trash
Group B
ABS-CBN News Digital, THE BORACAY PROJECT (Honorable Mention)
Sixth Tone, Uprooting Paradise: How Foraging Is Transforming Shangri-La
VICE Indonesia, A Tribe In Indonesia’s Surf Paradise Is Facing Down an Energy Firm That Wants Their Land (Award for Excellence)
Group C
蘋果日報 台灣, 台灣・世界垃圾場 (Honorable Mention)
端傳媒, 「先有廠,再規劃」,泄漏69噸「碳九」的泉港埋了多少雷? (Award for Excellence)
報導者, 六輕營運20年:科學戰爭下的環境難民
- Excellence in Photography (卓越攝影獎)
Group A
Bloomberg, As Xi Rises, the Cult of Mao Lives On
Reuters, Devastation in Palu No siren, no warning (Award for Excellence)
The New York Times, China Rules (Honorable Mention)
Group B
Nikkei Asian Review, Chinese-backed dams threaten Cambodian livelihoods along Mekong basin
Sixth Tone, Shrinking Cities (Honorable Mention)
The Myanmar Times, The sentencing of Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw SoeOo (Award for Excellence)
Group C
天下雜誌, 誰讓台灣回收神話幻滅
多維新聞網, 中国水污染调查:暗管遍布 陕蒙交界被浸染的村庄 (Award for Excellence)
端傳媒, 深圳:戰戰兢兢的南方高速 (Honorable Mention)
- The Scoop Award (獨家新聞獎)
Group A
Financial Times, Crackdown in Xinjiang
Reuters, Exposing a Massacre (Honorable Mention)
The Associated Press, Chinese Researcher Claims First gene-edited Babies (Award for Excellence)
Group B
Nikkei Asian Review, A milestone in China’s chipmaking plan (Award for Excellence)
Nikkei Asian Review, The downturn in Asia’s iPhone economy
This Week In Asia, Near collision in flashpoint sea (Honorable Mention)
Group C
天下雜誌, 台灣,下一個洗錢天堂 (Award for Excellence)
香港01有限公司, 加拿大拘捕華為副董事長孟晚舟
報導者, 【普悠瑪18死事故】2通簡訊示警,關鍵53分鐘危機處理待調查 (Honorable Mention)
- Excellence in Investigative Reporting (卓越調查報道獎)
Group A
Reuters, Guns, clicks and cement: Inside Myanmar’s hate machine (Award for Excellence)
The New York Times, China’s Reach (Honorable Mention)
The Wall Street Journal, North Korea: Agents in the Field
Group B
Rappler, Murder in Manila (Award for Excellence)
The Indian Express, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Implant Files (Honorable Mention)
VOA Khmer, Ready, Aim, Vote: Cambodia’s Military Prepares to Battle an Uncontested Election
Group C
Business Weekly, 獨家揭露907位議員小金庫 (Honorable Mention)
報導者, 六輕營運20年:科學戰爭下的環境難民 (Award for Excellence)
報導者, 海上人口販運風暴
- SOPA Award for Public Service Journalism (亞洲出版業協會公共服務新聞大獎)
The New York Times, China’s Health Care Crisis
The Wall Street Journal, Malaysia, Rocked
Reuters, Erasing the Rohingya (Award for Excellence)